Wellness Resources for Parents

It’s not always easy to get kids to do the things that will keep them healthy. Like eating more of the good stuff and less of the not so good. Like going for a bike ride with a friend instead of watching TV. Like working out a stressful situation by writing down their thoughts instead of lashing out.

Health Powered Kids™ provides not only fun, easy-to-use information about health and wellness to help keep your family healthy, but also serves as a wellness resource for parents. Featuring recipes, activities, crafts and more, Health Powered Kids™ actually benefits the whole family. When your kids eat well, stay active and balance their lives, they’ll feel better – and you will, too!

For additional health resources for parents that can help you and your family stay healthy and happy, visit allinahealth.org/family, or view health and wellness videos covering a variety of topics from the Allina Health Video Library.

Check out these Healthy Recipes:

Download the Recipe for Yum Yum Roasted Vegetables


Download the Recipe for After School Monster Mash Bean Dip


Download the Recipe for Better Than Store Bought Bars

For more easy and delicious, healthy recipes visit allinahealth.org/recipes.

Check out these Healthy Families Parent Newsletters:

Our Healthy Families Parent Newsletters are excellent resources with tips and tricks to keeping your kids healthy, mentally and physically. Each lesson includes an English version and Spanish version of the newsletter.

Wash Hands for Health
What’s My Portion Size?
Pedometer Fitness Challenge

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Are you looking for ways to help your kids eat well, be active, keep clean and find balance? Does your family like games and challenges? Then click below to download and print the free Health Powered Kids Bingo sheet! Your family can easily keep track of healthy activities listed on the bingo sheet – once you have five in a row you’ve hit bingo.

Play Health Powered Kids Bingo with your family today!
