Health Check: Kids less fit than 30 years ago
Physical education is a top priority at Park Brook Elementary School. It has been for more than a year with three days a week of gym class, and multiple activities organized outside of the normal school day.
“We want our students to be successful,” said Park Brook Principal Scott Taylor. “And there’s a lot of research that if you are increasing your fitness, you’re increasing your academics.”
So far, Taylor says it’s worked. “We’ve seen a strong correlation here at Park Brook with our testing scores going up,” he said.
That’s due in large part to the work of Susan Nygaard at Allina Health. “Allina Health is really reaching out to communities to improve the health of the kids,” said Nygaard, Allina’s community health improvement manager.
Nygaard oversaw the program that gave Park Brook various resources to help kids stay healthy and active.
Click here to watch the segment.
The 2013 Leaders in Health Care Awards by Minnesota Business Magazine recognize individuals and organizations leading the charge in Minnesota’s world-class health care industry. These awards honor excellent patient care, outstanding leadership, and thoughtful innovation.
Read the article here:
Better Health Matters, May 2013,
Health Powered Kids™ is a program designed to help children and young teens make healthier choices about eating, exercising, keeping clean and managing stress.
The website – – provides free, easy-to-use information about health and fitness. It features more than 50 lessons and activities designed for teachers, school staff, homeschool educators, daycare providers and community groups. Each lesson also includes a take-home newsletter that provides a fun activity for families to do at home.
View the full article (middle of the pdf file).
Owatonna People’s Press, MN, Feb 1, 2013
OWATONNA — On Thursday night, the Wilson Elementary School community got together learn about fitness.
The K-5 school held its first Family Fitness Fair— an event that included a healthy dinner, health screening and activities such as Zumba, hula hoop, bag toss and a bounce house. The event was paid for Allina Health, which includes the Owatonna Hospital.
The event also allowed Allina Health to promote the Health Powered Kids website and programs.
Braham Public Schools… PUBLISHED ON JAN. 04, 2013
To go along with the grant that Braham Elementary received from Allina Health this fall, we have started a FITNESS FRIDAY! All students K-6 and staff will be exercising for 20 minutes together at the end of the day. Some will be walking, some dancing or moving, and some jumping. Fitness Friday will take place on the last Friday of each month. We encourage all students and staff to wear their Health Powered Shirts that they received from Allina Health on those exercise days. Our first Fitness Friday was a huge success!!