Health Powered Kids Virtual Care Package

Dear Health Powered Kids Partner,

We continue to live in a time of uncertainty. Stress levels are rising not only for adults, but also for our kids and teens. Your Change to Chill and Health Powered Kids teams are here to support you through a Mental Health Virtual Care Package for children, students, teachers, and parents who are all adjusting to social distancing.

In this virtual care package you’ll find activities for de-stressing that can be done as a group, as a family, one-on-one with a child or as an individual. We know our community can build resilience through stress prevention and reduction activities like physical activity, mindfulness and more to get through this challenging period.

In good health,

Your Change to Chill and Health Powered Kids teams


This virtual care package is your guide to keeping children happy and healthy as a classroom or as a family:

Be Active

  • Get Out and Enjoy Nature
    • Activity: Outdoor Energy Boost
      • This activity demonstrates how our mood can improve simply by going outdoors for a short period of time.

Keep Clean

  • Wash Hands for Health!
    • Instructional lesson and coloring activity, ages 3-8
    • Young people will be able to demonstrate proper and effective hand washing techniques.
  • Hand Washing: A Weapon against Germs!
    • Video and instructional lesson on hand washing, ages 9-14
    • Young people will learn when hand-washing is essential and will be able to demonstrate proper and effective hand-washing techniques.

Press and Play Modules:

This section of the virtual care package for kids includes “press and play” modules in your classroom or at home. Slide decks include short lessons to promote mental well-being.

Access the slides directly in Change to Chill’s Google Folder.

Find Balance

As adults, we need to remember that this is a stressful time for not only us, but also for our children. This part of the virtual care package is a great resource for kids to understand better how to calm themselves and recenter.

  • What We Can Do to Stress Less
    • Young people will learn that everyone can feel stress sometimes, that some stressful feelings are a normal part of life, and there are things they can do to help reduce and deal with stress. This section of the virtual care package is targeted at those ages 9-14.

Power Chargers

  • All Power Chargers
    • Power Chargers are a collection of short exercises designed to give kids a quick activity break throughout the day. Use Power Chargers to wake up kids in the morning, energize them after lunch or help them focus before a big assignment.

DIY Activities 

Additional Resources:

  • For more information on managing stress and anxiety during COVID-19 visit the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.



Remember, you can reduce community spread of coronavirus (COVID-19) by following these simple tips:

  • Stay home.
  • Wash your hands with soap and water for at least 20 seconds.
  • Avoid touching your eyes, nose or mouth with unwashed hands.
  • Avoid close contact with people who are sick.
  • Mildly ill patients are encouraged to stay home and contact their health care provider by phone for guidance about clinical management.
  • Patients who have severe symptoms, such as difficulty breathing, should seek care immediately.
  • Older patients and individuals who have underlying medical conditions or are immunocompromised should contact their physician early in the course of even mild illness.
  • Cover your mouth and nose when you cough or sneeze. Throw away any used tissues and wash your hands.
  • Clean and disinfect frequently touched surfaces and objects using a regular household cleaning spray or wipe


Want more activities similar to the ones in the virtual care package?

If our virtual care package was fun and helpful for your kids, make sure to check out more of our lessons!